Africa is an amazing place to visit. Once upon a time, Africa was neglected because it was undeveloped, but today, you can’t help it but love tourism in Africa. It got spectacular landscapes, moderate climate and vibrant cultures that are fascinating and enlivening. Yet, this may be a cover for travel scams from some fraudulent agencies.
WE have listed some of the few scams you may encounter in Africa.
The Exit Stamp.
What are missing on your passport? Some fraudulent agents may tell you that you need an additional stamp on your passport. Don’t bother yourself over such stamps because it is no necessary. You may be told some dangers of moving around Africa without such stamp. Contact the nearest embassy or airport to get the right information you need.
Fake taxi drivers
A man who is well dressed shows up to meet you at a taxi terminal and offer you a reasonable rate for a ride. You quickly accept to free your hands of your baggage and save yourself time. You are taken to a destination that is far from the airport transportation hub and the outcome may be disturbing. Be patient and only hire reputable car hire companies.
Credit card fraud
The world is digitalized that credit card fraud can occur right under your nose. Your digits are stolen and before you can say Jack, your money is gone. Credit card fraud may be committed by desk hotel staffs, who may be fake and demand that you verify your details to ensure that you are error free in your booking. Immediately, you can out your credit card digit, you are in big trouble.
 Fake police
There are fake policemen who commit travel scam. You may be asked to pull over if you are driving or inside a car. Your travel documents are requested and they will always spot out some deficiencies that would get you into unnecessary trouble. We would advise you to be calm and ask that they take you to a police station where you can pay their fines.
Cash payments
Many travelers are caught off guard when it comes to cash payments. If you are not familiar with the local currency that a country is using, you may fall victim of this. You may be cheated badly if you are not familiar with cash payment in a country you are visiting.
There are more scams that you may encounter in Africa. You can be safe if you read a lot of tips and make use of trusted guides.