
How To Take Care of Common Hair Problems: Causes and Solutions

A woman’s hair is a valuable asset. Not only is it part of her, it has  an important role to play in how she looks. Hair trends change from season to season. However, no matter the trend raining at a particular period of time, the health of your hair is extremely important. You should know that a beautiful hair is a healthy looking hair.

There are five major problems our hair suffers from.

1.) Yellow tones in dyed blonde hair.

This poses quite some problems in the look of a lady.Men who date ladies with yellow tones in their dyed blond hair have also admitted that they find it rather unattractive.

To avoid these yellow tones, special hair care products containing a violet pigment should be used on your hair two weeks after dyeing. This product makes the yellowish colour ineffective.

You also need to use shampoos for fair hair as they contain pigments that maintain the glow of your dyed hair.

Most importantly, eat healthy.

  1. ) Bushy hair.

A hair that lacks moisture will be prone to form into a mass of tight thick curls.

To solve this problem, apply moisturizing mask several times in a week. Also, rather than brushing your hair immediately after washing it, wait for it to dry a bit before doing so and make sure you use a wooden comb with thin spaced teeth.

Avoid using a very high temperature  for drying or straightening your hair as it causes it to have an unruly and electrified nature. You should protect your locks with thermal spray before using a curling iron or hair straightener.

  1. Dry and brittle hair.

Causes of brittle hair are due to both external and internal factors. The external factors include the abuse of hot styling tools, use of inappropriate hair products and  harsh environment and climate.

The internal factors includes the lack of proper and necessary diet and dehydration.

You should know that in trying to treat a dry and brittle hair, you start from inside—What you eat. Eat more vegetables and diary products. These diets contain microelements like Magnesuim(Mg), Calcuim(Ca), Zinc(Zn), etc which are necessary for the functioning of the hair bulbs.

  1. Dry scalp and dandruff.

Dandruff is a major issue for most ladies. It is usually caused by an imbalance in the scalp bacteria. To treat it, buy products like shampoos and hair creams that will help restore the scalp microbiome.

The causes of dry scalp include frequent washing of the hair, hormonal imbalance, dyeing and heat styling. It can also be treated by using products.

  1. Dyed hair fades quickly.

The approximate number of days your dyed hair should last for is fourty days and that’s only if you take good care of it.

Dyed hair is sensitive and therefore needs special products and treatments. These products help strengthen dyed locks, and protect the hair from bad external factors.

This helps your dyed hair last longer.