Hey Guys
To maintain our culture as Africans can be challenging especially for those of us who are out of tune. Africa has many cultures that can gag us if we are to follow them religiously.
But, fashion has a simple rule that many of us follow without difficulty. The reason for embracing our fashion is because it is something we have grown with.
We have seen our grandmothers and mothers rock some amazing native attires. We didn’t miss rocking these outfits with them. There were moments when our mothers had extra fabrics after an outfit and they ask their tailors to sew something out those fabrics.
We have become comfortable with our native attires, which is the reason why we are gradually recreating those old designs. Interestingly, some of these oldies are coming back as trends. We wear culture when we step out with our native attires. At a time when it seems that civilization is drowning culture, our fashion has refused to go down. We have come to embrace the beauty of who we are when we wear some of these native attires. These days, we don’t mind wearing other tribes’ outfits because we are one. We are Africa! We are fashionistas!