Most people in Africa believe that volcanic eruptions are alien to them. While most people hear about these happenings abroad, they do not think that it could happen around them. The Congo’s Nyiragongo eruptions have changed this narration.
Here are some of the most active volcanic spots in Africa:
1.) OlDoinyoLengai
The OlDoinyoLengai also regarded, as “Mountain of God” by the Masai of Tanzania is a volcano located in Tanzania and measures 7,650 feet. According to National Geographic, this volcano is the only active volcano to belch out lava containing rare carbonatite in very large amounts. The cause of this feature was connected to the very low temperature of the lava. Unlike other volcanos, the lava is about 600 Degrees Celsius and does not emit enough light to glow during the day. Excluding the fact that it is as black as oil, the Lengai’s lava is extremely fluid-like and very similar to water due to its odd chemical composition. However, once the lava is cooled down, it alters and turns into a whitish powder.
2.) Mount Nyamuragira
With walls measuring about 2 kilometers in width and 100 meters in length, Mount Nyamuragira is located in DR Congo. It is the volcano with the most recent activity in the world. According to reports from the ObservatoireVolcanologique de Goma (OVG), collapses of Nyamuragira’s inner crater walls that were observed in May 2019 continued in July. There was visible lava fountaining from a small cone. More so, the lava of Mount Nyamuragira is contained in Caldera Lake. A hike to its summit takes about 4 hours.
3.) The Mount Nyiragongo
Located on the border of Congo and Rwanda, Mount Nyiragongo is a beautiful volcano that is one of the most active volcanos and surprisingly has the largest lakes of lava in the world. According to Forbes, Mount Nyiragongo is over 11,000 feet high. For you to climb, it would take about 4 to 6 hours to reach the summit on average. A hike to the summit of this volcano to view its magma chamber is about one mile wide and starts at the Kibati patrol post. However, to make your journey easier, there are park rangers and potters for hire.
4.) Erta Ale
Commonly referred to as “the smoking mountain” or “the gateway to hell” by the Afar people, the Erta Ale is located in the Danakil Depression in the Afar Region of north-eastern Ethiopia and measures 2,011 feet.
With a temperature ranging from 77◦F to 118◦F, the Erta Ale is one of the driest, hottest and lowest places in the world. Because of its very hot weather, there is little to no vegetation and the area suffers from intense drought. As one of the continuously active volcanoes with two active lava lakes in the world, the Erta Ale is a huge attraction for tourists all over the world. Before now, tourists could only access it using helicopters. However, it is possible to drive within about 4.3 miles of the volcano.