
Modern Day Marketing Tactics African Businesses Can Use to Maximize Their Profits

Before you can think of making profit as a business owner in Africa, there are tactics that you should know about.  We are aware that the creation of your ideal customers cannot be overemphasized in your business. However, a plethora of tactics are what you need to maximize your profit while you build your customer base here in Africa.

We want you to know that these tactics can be low cost and sometimes; you may have to combine two or more of the following marketing tactics to make a huge impact in business. We have highlighted seven of the modern day marketing tactics that you utilize.

  1. Free Advertising


Securing your customer base is the first thing every African business owner does before thinking of profit.  How do you achieve such a feat? Simple! You can begin with free advertising. This is what you will do with an average computer, a printer and answering machine. We bet you will reach out to a lot of customers without paying for space in any advertising agency.


  1. Distribution of Flyers

You have always gotten business flyers on your way to work or function. The people who give out these flyers are smart business people, looking out on how to get customers and cut cost. We know that you want to want profit without spending a lot of money on advertisement. This is what we will want you to do. Highlight the various services you are offering with your contact information and offer discounts or coupon on your flyers. It never hurts.

  1. Referral Networks

Did we say referral networks in Africa? Yes! You can take advantage of the referral networks in maximizing your profit.  You can include the business to business referral networks that will broadcast your products without  you saying a word. Think about the white collar profession where everyone is referring everyone to customers. Why not take the advantage that these networks are providing and make your business better?


  1. Exhibitions

There is hardly a good business owner who doesn’t take exhibition serious.  Despite the fact that the business world has gone digital, it has not discouraged one-on-one business communication. It is through exhibitions that you can market your products with ease. You can answer some questions that some of your customers may not ask through the internet. Most interesting aspect of exhibitions is that it provides you with an avenue for direct questionnaires and surveys with clients.


  1. Follow-Up

Now that you have gotten a huge customer base, what will you do next? Some customers end up becoming dormant and may never patronize you after the first meeting. Follow up is one marketing tactic that businesses use to maximize their profits.  The follow-up can be in form of questionnaires to get feedback of how your product is doing in the market.

When was the last time you heard from that customer? Was the customer satisfied with what you offered? Follow-up can be fun depending on how you go about it. Occasional calling, sending SMS, mails and slipping your flyers in to mailboxes nearby can do wonders.

  1. The Internet

The internet cannot be overlooked when it comes to marketing tactics here. You are not a stranger to the power of the internet on businesses especially through the social media. Is your business on any social media? You are going to lose out from the fast pacing business kingdom if you are not taking advantage of the social media as a business owner. We have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and others that you can make use of to maximize your profit.

We must not forget to tell you that you need a business website where everyone can find you easily. Over 90% of businesses take advantage of the internet in reaching out to customers. It is one simple way to cut costs and make profit.

  1. Value Additions

Value additions have become one of the best marketing tactics for any service or product.  Value additions are like the free appraisals and coupons. However, they are used in improving the customers’ satisfactions and also give you leverage above your competitors.  Some of the value additions may include discounts for customers who are always patronizing, guarantees, referrals rewards and point cards.

Imagine what you can achieve with any of these marketing tactics. Most of these tactics are cheap to take up while profit is maximized.  At the end of your campaign, you will likely realize that the conversion rate you used on marketing is on the low side.



