
Low Cost Business that are Lucrative In Africa

One of the challenges entrepreneurs have in Africa is lack of fund.  It may blow your mind to know that we have hundreds of thousands of talented Africans who are held bound by the fear of capital. They are crippled to even take an initiative because they are worried of failing due to fund. We got good news for everyone! We have listed some low cost businesses you can put your hands in and make your profits.

 Tailoring/Fashion Design

There was a time people neglected the tailoring work in Africa, not any longer. We are seeing creative designs that will blow your mind. Fashion design has become sophisticated, giving experts an opportunity to make a good investment. The cost of setting up a tailoring shop is not very expensive except you want to invest big.


School has no business with tutoring and it is also unregulated.  It is true that many African parents want the best for their kids. Some of them believe that an extra tutoring will give them an edge over their peers. Thinking of a low cost business? If you are good at teaching, maybe you have gotten a great opportunity to make money.

Home tutoring is a fertile ground for anyone who has no money of setting up a tutor center. A word of mouth can even help your business grow.

Recharge Card Voucher Printing

The number of recharge cards sold per day is increasing at an explosive rate. The business of printing and selling recharge card voucher is not ending today or tomorrow. You can take advantage of the mobile expansion and effective communication, and make your money.

Beads And Ornaments

With the number of weddings coming up every week, beads and ornaments are not neglected.  This traditional jewellery used for beautification is always sought after by brides and grooms. You can start making and renting out these jewelleries to people.

Used Books

Forget what they tell you that Africans do not read. Selling books is believing; because you can make a fortune. Used books are affordable and can be a life saver for people who cannot afford to purchase the new books. There are people who are willing to let go of their old books and you can be buyer who will buy and sell at a higher price.

What do you think? We believe that some of these businesses listed above can be a life-saver for those with little money.