
How Africans Need to Find the Courage to Fail-“Say yes Panic Later”

The fear of failing can be painful, paralyzing, demoralizing or disappointing.  But the fear of failing again after a big hit is pretty worse. Do you have the courage to say ‘YES’ to your next project first before panicking as an African?  The emotional bruises we receive after failure can have an impact on our unconscious state, that can leave behind a devastating psychologically effect on us if we are not courageous.

Learning from failure will help us pull through quickly both emotionally and psychologically, and improve our chances of beating all odds to win in the future. If you want to succeed, you should try hard to achieve. Sometimes, we strive to be perfect until perfection takes a negative toll on us, our career or relationship with others.

The reality is that most of us are scared of failing that we try to make perfection a goal.  Most people who are determined at all cost to be perfectionists end up failing no matter how hard they work.  The danger of perfectionism is that it comes with side effects that have a psychological burden on the success of businesses and personal lives.

If you have challenged yourself to get better emotionally, physically or creatively, at some point, you may stumble. The courage to pick your broken pieces and move on is the trick. Whatever name you prefer to give failure; gifts, mistakes, lessons or challenges, it does not change the fact that it is bounded to happen often in our lives.  Women often linger a bit longer when a setback hits them. You should not allow failure to take you hostage. Try and get up while fear is still fresh and growing.  With a formidable spirit and self-encouragement, you can push forward without lingering on failure.

Failure was erroneously believed to be our teachers. However, many of us have not been able to acquire the targeted knowledge that failure should have impacted on us. Figuring out the lessons that failure wants us to learn when were bruised, hopeless, and angry with ourselves may not be a small feat.

The balance between competence and confidence is appealing especially around women. The more they learn, the more competent they are going to be in their life and career. When expertise is built, confidence is gradually developed too.

African Women And Confidence And Ambition

When women made advancement through their careers, it was reported that 60% of them lost their enthusiasm while about 50% drop the courage to get to the peak of their career.  One of the reasons is that some women cannot imagine being the right persons to fit correctly on top. Also, they may not be able to get sponsorship from their leaders or not get the career flexibility that they have always dreamed at the onset of their careers. These factors can wear down the aspirations of women over time.

Finally, the right thing to do is to say yes to the future and panic later.
