Few years ago, a lady called Kelechi Anyadiegwu, started her online African clothing store Zuwaa with a capital sum of $500. Initially, she had the thought...
Category - Business
Having witnessed tremendous development all over the world that has been aided by Africans, it is not wrong to say that Africans in the Diaspora can make it...
Are you an African who is looking for a way to start a business but you are arrested by lack of cash? You should not worry because we have searched out great...
Business took another dimension when internet was introduced in Africa. The emergence of electronic commercial gave some Africans the right tool to use and...
We know chameleon to be many things around the world. Some consider this reptile with funny body as poisonous, strange, a bad omen and dangerous. However...
Since 2012, Mauritius has been moving gradually in winning entrepreneurs with its business. The reason is simple. According to the 2013 “Ease of Doing...
Embraced by stunning landscapes and a rich cultural heritage, Botswana has become a major business hub in Africa. Gone are the days when investors try to shy...
Africa is bustling with ingenuity and jewels, boasting some of the fastest growing international economies and offering vast business opportunities to...
Kenya is a tourist haven for tourists around the world, and still maintain its lead in business development. Over the years, we have seen companies rise to...
Money has always been the issue when starting a business around the world. Africa is not exempted in this plight, however, there is a solution to it. Some...