
APPLY for the Girl Up Teen Advisors Program 2018-2019

Deadline: February 12, 2018

Every year, teen girls are invited by Girl Up, who are ready to change the world they find themselves.  The application for the 2018/2019 has open for you to apply.  At Girl Up,  there is an advocacy goals from the Teen Advisors to provide feedback on campaign strategy and energizing others to take action for girls around the world.

The benefit of joining Girl Up is immerse. This is a lifetime opportunity for those who will become Teen Advisors. The lessons that they will learn is going to border on sensitive matters like advocating for  gender equality.

The Teen Advisor program is where Girl Up truly lives out its “by girls, for girls” mission.  This program is made of teenage girls who are trained to become better in life

As Teen Advisors, there is an opportunity for fundraising, advocacy and communications strategy.

Girl Up offers skills-based trainings, professional development opportunities, hands-on learning, and most significantly, personal relationships with the staff as a support  to the Teen Advisors in this task.




Any girl from the United States of America or who is from another country can apply

  • The applicants must be entering the  U.S. equivalent of 9th-12th grades
  • The applicant is expected to have a sense of maturity, open to learning new things and should be cultural-sensitive.
  • The applicant must be committed to empowering women and girls around the world
  • The applicant must display a high level of leadership skills and should also possess a mind to learn to influence the world with her actions and decisions in her school and community.
  • The applicant should be passionate about the Girl Up’s  vision and mission for girls around the world
  • The applicant should be able to complete all Teen Advisor responsibilities as outlined below

Girl Up is committed to seeking and maintaining a culturally diverse and inclusive Teen Advisor class. Applicants who represent underrepresented backgrounds in regards to race/ethnicity, nationality, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, religion etc., are especially encouraged to apply.


